Discover dedicated solutions

At Finture, we specialise in the development of dedicated software, fully tailored to the individual needs and requirements of our clients. Our aim is to provide solutions that fit perfectly with the specifics of your industry and business.

Thanks to our approach based on a thorough understanding of the client's goals and expectations, which we get to know during the discovery phase, we design and develop software that meets the expectations of even very demanding clients.

Our techonological expertise

Do you have any questions about the project to be implemented? Discuss it with a group of experts and order a free consult

Our standards

Our work is about providing personalised solutions that enable our clients to succeed in a dynamic business environment. Finture is a partner that focuses on your success and offers dedicated software as the key to achieving the highest operational level of your organisation.

Our analytics team will help you structure and clarify your goal and help you map out a path to it, and our developers will write the highest quality code with standards, including ISO27001.

For whom are the dedicated solutions?

Many automations can be achieved using our tools such as Flowee, iSecurity, iCompliance, and iClaimsRouter. However, every ready-made platform, even one as flexible as Flowee, has its limitations.

If you are looking for a solution that escapes the box, with customised elements to suit your organisation's needs, a dedicated solution may be just what you need.

Consult on your project

Consult us about your project and find out if your project requires a dedicated solution.

Ready-made solutions,
that you can easily adapt

Discover Flowee

Flowee is a flexible, proprietary, low-code platform for business process automation. Its wide range of capabilities allows it to automate HR and sales processes, significantly accelerating the solution's time-to-market.

However, if it does not meet all your needs, we are ready to discuss additional elements of the platform that would be created for your needs.

Camunda 8

If you want to migrate from Camunda 7 to Camunda 8 or build your system on Camunda 8, we are not only a Camunda partner but also have experience in this.

Why switch to Camunda 8?
Camunda 8 is a new opportunity and a guarantee of support for years to come. Switch to Camunda 8 with expert help from the Finture team.

How do we work?

Our teams are made up of project managers, analysts, developers, testers and devOps, who work with your team to walk you through the optimal process to achieve the goal you have set.

Baseline phase

The high level of automation of processes affects faster service, reducing the involvement of bank employees, but often provides unattended verification of different types of documents and their legal forms. Therefore, to help you choose the most suitable solution within 24h of your inquiry, you will be contacted by one of our account managers..

During the initial conversation, we will try to understand and capture the essence of your problem and, as appropriate, suggest a further course of action. Together, we will decide to engage in the following steps.

At Finture, we protect the information and will sign confidentiality documents with you if you need them.


Discovery phase

In our experience, after the initial conversation, a common next pre-project stage is a workshop where together we will explore the next components necessary to achieve your goals.

At the workshop:

  • based on the knowledge of our experts, together we will complete the description of functional and non-functional requirements providing you with material to help you complete the key information for the target business requirements

  • or we will translate your business requirements into a visual language by providing you with a mapped and completed process diagram based on the BPMN2.0 notation, taking into account the role of information systems in the execution of manual activities and automatic data exchange

  • We will recommend and provide a set of best practices for the placement of key elements and functionality on your interfaces (UX design)

By working together in a workshop, you will gain valuable knowledge and factually correct materials that can form the basis for further work.

Signing the agreement

If you decide to work with us, after signing the contract, based on the materials previously developed, we can proceed to the next stages. Depending on your needs, it can be:

  • Proof-of-Technology - we are software engineers with knowledge of many available IT technologies, so we can evaluate the capabilities of specific tools to confirm the design assumptions made (e.g., listing integration technologies and selecting the one or ones that most closely meet the requirements of the systems architecture or are consistent with the road map of IT development adopted by the client)

  • Proof-Of-Concept – polegająca na weryfikacji czy proponowane przez nas narzędzia/aplikacje/produkty spełniają w szerokim aspekcie oczekiwania odbiorców biznesowych – ten etap pozwala udowodnić gotowość naszej koncepcji i projektowanego przez nas rozwiązania do wymagań jednostek organizacyjnych – szczególnie wartościowe jako potwierdzenie, że dysponujemy właściwymi zasobami do realizacji projektu

  • Feasibility Study - Feasibility study of the project (concept/program/application) carried out by Finture's dedicated team for the client's unique needs to ensure that the planned project considers all aspects, including formal/legal/accounting/statutory/capital regulations, etc.

  • Pre-implementation analysis (sometimes called sprint 0) - involving both the Finture team and specific owners of business and IT requirements on the client's side - allows the preparation of detailed functional and non-functional requirements, identifies possibly all potential data sources necessary for efficient project execution, or verifies the original project assumptions described, for example, in the RFP request. This facilitates accurate dimensioning of the entire project and estimation of the necessary resources (human, time, organizational, technical, cost)

  • Analytical workshop - is a meeting with the participation of our experts in a group of people with specific substantive knowledge on the part of the client, which aims to agree on selected business issues and describe them in an approved form (the basis for the workshop can be, for example, maps in the form of boards on MIRO or written requirements in the form of documentation - excel, word, etc.).

  • Training sessions - we organize dedicated training courses in the form of workshops or lectures on a topic selected by the client - they are usually closed and are tailored to the needs of the client (number of participants, subject matter, exercises, training, and post-training materials)

Design phase

W fazie design przechodzimy do wdrażania wcześniej ustalonego planu. Projektujemy makiety, interface użytkownika lub pracujemy z pominięciem tego etapu, przystępując do projektowania architektury rozwiązania lub konkretne elementy, w zależności od przedmiotu zamówienia. Od preferowanego sposobu pracy klienta uzależniamy w długości sprintów. Razem z klientem wybieramy elementy, które mają być realizowane w ramach tych sprintów.

Consult on your project

Consult us about your project and find out if your project requires a dedicated solution.