Test with Finture

Functional testing
For 7 years, we have been testing the most complex IT systems. Companies from various industries collaborate with us to streamline and enhance the software development cycle by adding extra consultants and improving the quality of delivered IT projects. Finture consultants perform tests from the early stages of the software lifecycle, enabling the earliest possible detection of potential issues and thereby reducing the overall costs of corrections resulting from identifying deviations at later stages.
Our approach to functional testing is structured and based on testing techniques, tools, ready-made test accelerators, and methods proven across numerous projects and aligned with globally recognized standards. This ensures that both new functionalities and implemented changes are thoroughly verified before deployment to the production environment.
Documentation-based testing
Functional testing is based on user stories, scenarios, and test cases. The process includes: • The best possible approach, developed and optimized during the review of documentation (requirements/SLA/user stories). • Utilization of internal monitoring methods and tools. • Analysis of progress and results, enabling process optimization using the Soflab TESt methodology.
Process-oriented testing
The goal is to cover as many functionalities as possible with tests within the designated time. The aim is to identify all errors during the pre-production phase. Characteristics of process-oriented testing: • The product is well understood, and business functionalities are thoroughly analyzed and prioritized. • Effective communication channels are established, significantly improving collaboration between your team and QA specialists. • Defects and UX-related changes are reported immediately.
Exploratory testing
Exploratory testing is a technique that combines learning about an application and verifying its functionality simultaneously. This technique is ideal for testing web applications and is widely used in IT projects with insufficient documentation. Testing is based on test ideas, which involve formulating a brief description of what we aim to achieve. The process includes sessions consisting of the following elements: • Learning – working without documentation • Designing • Execution • Reporting
User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
The final stage of QA in the software development cycle. It verifies alignment with user expectations and provides the final vision before the product's public release.
Mobile application testing
Mobile solutions are primarily created for customers, which is why each such solution should be thoroughly tested for performance, API communication, functionality, and usability. The more precise the testing, the greater the confidence that the application will not cause issues for the end user. Scope of services: • Cross-platform automated testing • Security testing of mobile applications on devices • Performance testing with network parameter emulation • Integration testing of mobile applications with corporate systems
Test automation
Automate repetitive system or application tests and focus on testing in development areas. Based on years of project experience, Soflab Technology experts create effective and cost-efficient solutions: • GUI test automation for web and desktop applications • Mobile application test automation for Android and iOS • Integration test automation (API) • Automation of extensive test environment verification • Implementation of enterprise-scale automation solutions, including for system automation or SAP
API testing
REST API, SOAP – technical testing using tools such as JMeter, Postman, SoapUI, and Tosca.
Automated API testing – integration with the DevOps pipeline
Some manually conducted tests can be automated, saving a significant amount of time and shortening the testing process. However, this is not the only advantage of automation. Automated tests can be executed without the involvement of a tester, and their execution time can be scheduled for any desired hour. Additionally, automated tests eliminate the risk of errors caused by routine or fatigue. Their greatest benefit, however, is their alignment with the practices and philosophy of DevOps CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery or Deployment). Once API automated test scripts are integrated into the continuous integration server, they become regression tests.
API performance testing
Performance testing involves simulating system load and observing its response time and resource usage. Manually performing such tests is very challenging or even impossible, which is why automated tests are most commonly used in this context. Performance testing using APIs is one of the simplest methods to answer questions about the scalability of a system. At the same time, it does not require specialized frameworks or the creation of advanced scripts.
API security testing
API security testing aims to assess an application’s vulnerability to external threats. Controlled attempts to breach security reveal areas susceptible to attacks. The primary focus is on the following areas: • User authorization • Access control • Permissions and privileges A critical aspect is verifying security at the early stages of development, planned at the level of unit, integration, and system testing. Undertaking such actions early significantly increases the effectiveness of the tests conducted.
API integration testing
Integration testing is performed during the development phase of an application. Using APIs for integration testing is the most common method employed by experienced teams, allowing for system verification even before the GUI is developed. API testing and integration testing are often seen as synonymous, describing activities at this stage.
Security testing

Verification of project documentation for security requirements
We ensure comprehensive compliance of each project with current legal regulations, including GDPR. Adding a security specialist to the implementation team during the design phase of a solution helps avoid many errors and offers significant cost savings in later stages of the application or IT infrastructure lifecycle.
Penetration testing
We conduct penetration tests, which are controlled attempts to breach security, depending on the client's needs, without knowledge of the system's structure (black-box testing), with partial knowledge (grey-box testing), or combined with code review (white-box testing).
We conduct security testing based on OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) standards, specifically the OWASP TOP 10 Classification, OWASP ASVS (Application Security Verification Standard), and OWASP Testing Guide 4.0 (including best practices in security testing).
We perform mobile application security testing using emulators and physical mobile devices, based on the vulnerability and threat classification from OWASP's TOP 10 Mobile Risks list.
Security configuration audit of infrastructure, individual systems/services
We conduct the audit using manual techniques and automated tools.
It includes:
- analysis,
- verification of the configuration approach,
- checking configuration security using automated tools
- and risk analysis based on the results and security optimization recommendations.
The subjects of the tests include, among others:
- permissions,
- unauthorized access,
- configuration,
- and missing patches.
Testing resilience to DoS/DDoS attacks
The goal is to detect the lack of protection against unwanted actions, which can lead to blocking access to a given service on the Internet. We verify the most common types of DDoS attacks:
- UDP flood attack
Performed using dedicated scripts that generate UDP packets with random sizes and time intervals assigned to the estimated load. - HTTP flood attack
Based on simulations of various methods (POST and GET) supported by the application. The generated application traffic will not resemble that of a standard user but will match the expected resource load.
Static source code audit
The main goal is to identify ineffective constructs and code fragments that reflect poor programming practices or security vulnerabilities. Static analysis allows:
- to increase performance and stability,
- to avoid common programming errors,
- to enforce coding rules and standards,
- to enhance security at every subsequent testing stage.
The analysis is based on OWASP standards, particularly the OWASP Top 10 and OWASP Mobile Top 10 classifications, as well as compliance verification with: SANS 25, HIPAA, Mitre CWE, CVE NIST, PCI DSS, MISRA, and BSIMM.
Social engineering tests, procedural tests, and physical security tests
Our auditors will conduct a controlled social engineering attack to verify the level of security, adherence to security procedures, and the level of information security awareness within the organization, for example:
- an attempt to persuade an employee to run software from a provided USB drive;
- email campaign;
- an attempt to gain unauthorized access to the building.
It is possible to conduct employee training on IT security and current technical and social engineering threats.
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How do we do it?
Every firewall can be breached; it is only a matter of time and skill. There is always risk. Our service focuses on minimizing it.
- We identify vulnerabilities in the company and its systems to conscious and unconscious security incidents.
- We assess the ability to detect and withstand common attacks.
- We assist in identifying critical changes or actions in the area of security and in preparing an action plan to build security within the company.
We engage at various stages of the software development lifecycle. This market-distinguishing approach allows us to support our clients at every stage of a project, enabling the planning of necessary testing activities, identifying potential risks, and defining project assumptions for the implemented solution. We deliver practical insights in a clear format. The results report includes a description of error reproduction, potential risks, and corrective actions.
Testing technique
During the tests, manual and automated testing techniques will be used. Both complement each other:
- We use various automated tools, such as Nessus, Burp Proxy Professional, OWASP ZAP, SOAP UI, Metasploit, and our own development framework, which reduces the risk of security vulnerabilities being overlooked by any single program.
- Audyt ręczny Manual audit includes manual verification of the application or vulnerabilities and is used to detect logical errors or implemented functionality. Manually conducting attacks allows for effective bypassing or analysis of protection filters implemented in the application and firewall systems.
Automate repetitive system or application tests
and focus on tests in development areas. Soflab Technology experts, based on years of project experience, create effective and cost-optimal solutions:
Small & Startup
Automation of GUI testing for web and desktop applications
Automation of integration tests (API)
Implementation of automation solutions at the enterprise scale, including for SAP system automation.
Automation of mobile application tests for Android and iOS
Automation of verification for extensive test environments
Automation of test data generation
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Benefits of test automation for systems and applications
Cost optimization
- Lower labor intensity of regression tests
- Ability to simultaneously verify multiple users, browsers, mobile devices, as well as configurations and data sets
- Reduction of labor intensity in the manual testing team
Execution time
- Reduction in test execution time
- Ability to run tests at any time (24/7 mode)
- Ability to run automated tests simultaneously on different environments
- Automated verification of data processed by applications
- Repeatability of tests and elimination of human errors
- Extended area of the application covered by tests