Opening Selfie Accounts


A large financial institution operating in the banking industry (top 5 banks in Poland) expecting to improve the security of the account opening process


The client expected increased security in the basic banking process, i.e. opening accounts. Many processes are carried out remotely, without the possibility to verify the owner physically. Therefore the customer's expectation was to verify the data from the document identifying the customer with a 'selfie' photo taken during the process.


The expectations for the process of opening accounts in the remote channel, as well as the number of stakeholders, are enormous. On the one hand, the product and electronic banking departments emphasize maximum simplification of the process, as it affects its conversion. On the other side of the barricade, there are risk, compliance and security departments responsible for the Bank's security and stability. In all of this, customers expect innovation and simplicity, but also security must find their way. Our Project Team faced such a challenge. The proposed solution using 'Selfie' met the expectations of customers and the Bank. The experience of the Project Team enabled the efficient integration of the Selfie component into the Bank's environment and the process of opening accounts.


After the implementation, customers began to massively use the new functionality, which significantly improved process security while maintaining the level of customer experience. The introduction of this formula also allowed for a departure from signing the contract with the use of couriers, which significantly shortened the length of the process.


  • Sector


  • Service

    of business processes

  • Technologies

    Java, JavaScript, BPM

  • Key figures

    30 min.

    time from application to opening account


    Applications submitted through the remote channel use "selfie"


    departments involved in the process


    Integration services in the account opening process


    integrated systems


    service access channels